Career Personal GuestBook Credits

Hello Everybody,

My name is Akash Rastogi (a.k.a. Zumo, Sky). I am glad to have you here. This site is..well, about me. Here I share with you details about myself..some personal and some not-so-personal.

To give a brief overview..of course, how much do u expect to know about me from my web site!! To quote my all-time favourite musician Sting.. "You can read everything about my life but you would still know nothing about me.."So goes my story..

I am Web Applications Developer currently whiling my time away in Corporate America (pst: its not so glamorous). Besides working the grueling hours that my job requires, I spend a lot of time on Music.. listening and playing. I have a music collection that I take pride in and also play Drums..did you hear the Crash?? I also enjoy reading biographies of the various bands that have influenced me..

That basically explains my life..simple yet complicated. So do go through the different parts of the site to explore more about me and see if you find it intriguing enough.

I would also be really thankful if you could also sign my guestbook and give me some feedback (positive preferred) on how to make this perfect site better!!
